Monday 10 July 2017

President Donald Trump justifies the participation of his daughter, Ivanka Trump at the G20 meeting.

 Daughter of the president of the United States, Ivanka Trump's participation in the G20 meeting has sparked outrage and criticism. Americans took to their social media pages to express their disappointment that PLOTUS sent his daughter to seat for him at the meeting with world leaders.

Writer Charles Blow wrote on twitter "Why the hell is Ivanka Trump sitting for her daddy at the G20 meeting? What are her qualifications, who voted for her?"
Journalist Anne Applebaum wrote "because an unelected, unqualified, unprepared New York socialite is the best person to represent American National Interest"
Nicholas Kristoff wrote "Ivanka fills in for her dad besides Xi Jinping. To me, it feels banana-republicky for the US to be represented by his inexperienced daughter"

The White house released word that Ivanka was sitting at the back but only joined the main table when her father had to step out while Bloomberg reports that Ivanka had filled her father's position at the main table at least, two times on saturday.
Matthew Dowd, political strategist for George Bush stated that there would be an outcry among Trump supporters had Barack sent his daughter to such a gathering. Trump, in defence, insinuated that had Hilary Clinton won, she would do same and no one would have had a problem with it. Chelsea immediately replied Trump saying her Mother will never ask that of her. See tweets below:

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