Wednesday 5 October 2016

Aluu 4: forever in our hearts.....

I remember that morning like yesterday, October 5, 2012. It was my final year at the University of Port Harcourt. I was getting set to go into campus when I noticed some school friends put up gory pictures of 'thieves' killed in Aluu. FYI, prior to the Aluu 4 incident, Aluu was known for rampant robberies, cult killing and whatever criminal activities you can think of. So, it was sort of  good news to hear that some 'robbers' were caught in the act the previous night. If only we knew....
I got into school and the story had changed....They were students not thieves and they had already been paraded nude, beaten and burnt to death. We could feel the trouble brewing in air. I 'jeje' carried myself back to my apartment before any riot starts. The demonstrations began and the school shut down.....
Different versions have been told of the events that led to the brutal execution of those young men. Nothing in this world hurts more than losing a child but losing him in such harsh and gruesome way is just unimaginable.
Four years have gone by..... We remember them today and send our heartfelt condolences to their parents and families wherever they are now. God knows best. May we never witness such tragedy ever again.
Continue to rest in the bosom of the lord Tekena, Lloyd, Chidiaka and Ugonna.....

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